So now we’re left with security. A quick google on it will give you this definition – “the state of being free from danger or threat” Holy smokes, the only way to accomplish that would be to disconnect from the internet entirely. Well, fortunately, there are some things we could put into place to help us get a little closer to that definition so we won’t need to disconnect entirely. I have spent a great deal of time over the past six years obsessing over Network Security and picked up a few pointers along the way. I consider myself much less vulnerable today than I was six years back. I’ll share as much of that with you as I can.
There is also a lot of so called security software out there that is actually malware itself. It all looks professional, you may even find several positive reviews on the application but once installed they can become portals for other malware or convince you that your PC is infected with malware but you need the ‘paid’ version of their software to remove it. Yup, I came into this situation many times in my search for the ultimate security solution, I will get into more detail on this later on in the site.